So beyond proud of these #EZFitGuide & #EZBB babes accomplishing their goals.
*To be featured on the website and on the EZFitGuide Instagram, #EZBB and #EZFit*
*5.5 month progress*

“I completed the guide twice, and I’m still shook at this. It was amazing because I had trained for years prior in sports but never really grew the muscles I wanted. Thank you so much for creating the guide, I found it so hard to get into lifting because of health issues but then I got into watching your youtube videos and got the guide and it never let me down.”
-Stephanie (@UghhStephh on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBundle
*6 week progress*

“I was always a little skeptical about guides and thinking thoughts like "oh that probably wouldn't work for me" but this time I stepped out of my comfort zone and decided to try #EZBB, and let me tell you... I'm so glad I did. Although I've been going to the gym before starting the guide, I hit a plateau and lost a little bit of motivation in going to the gym. Your guide pushed me and gave me that motivation back and end 2017 with a bang! I can't recommend this guide enough and will definitely be coming back to it! The gainzzzz are real."
-Jen (@jtsaifit on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder
*6 month progress*

“Your guides have literally changed my life”
-Cristina (@_cristinacrespomorillo_ on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBundle
*1 year progress*

“Through out this year, I wouldn’t have come this far if it weren’t for you.”
-Kelly (@KellyJ_Lee on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZGainz
*10 month progress*

“I loved the guide. I can’t thank you enough for literally giving me the motivation to changing my life around & the guide is perfect for literally anyone, it’s simple to follow & I love it. You made me start working out and I can’t believe the changes I have seen in my body.”
-Reyna (@Reyna.Fit on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZGainz
*6 week progress*

“I would love for people to see my progress and see how well this guide works.”
-Corinne (@CorinneCutlipFitness on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder
*6 month progress*

“I’ve been following the EZFitGuide bundle since January and honestly I'm amazed, my weight is probably the highest it's been, but that doesn't stop me loving myself, I'm so much stronger and feel more confident. I hoped that the guide would grow my booty and it did, couldn't be happier. Love you Elizabeth and thank you so so much!!”
-Karoliina (@karojourney on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBundle
*6 week progress*

“I only did week one and started noticing differences, so excited and sad that its over but I loved the program”
-Alexis (@alexisladieu on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder
*2 month progress*

“September to November! I have been following Elizabeth Zaks’s YouTube videos + doing her workouts and I’m so happy with the results! I’m now on week 2 of the EZ Booty Guide and i can’t wait to progress further!”
-Annie (@missanniefit on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder*
“There are about 6 months between these pictures, from the beginning of September to almost the end of February.
I’m honestly in shock. I’m so proud of myself for never giving up and NEVER giving in.
I am lucky. I have always felt confident in the gym. Being a swimmer, i started working out in a gym when I was 12 years old. But being confident and knowing what you’re doing are two different things. I decided months ago that i wanted to grow a booty but i didn’t know how. Thats where @elizabethzaks came in!! 😄😄 i was lucky enough to find her insta one day and decided to watch her YouTube videos. They were so helpful and in only 2 months I had gained muscle!! I wanted more, so i bought her EZ Booty a Builder guide. Every workout in that guide is killer. I sweat so much by the end 😂😂 the Guide was also extremely helpful for designing workouts. I am so happy!!!! 😄😄
6 months ago my best leg press was 300lbs. I’m at 375lbs now.
My club swim team motto was “never give in.” I haven’t. And i never will. ”
-Annie (@missanniefit on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder*

”As you can see the booty has lifted! It’s lit y’all 🙌🏻 It was measuring at 37” and now I’m about 39 1/2”. And mind you I got sick twice and lost weight both times! Over all I loved the guide. It’s nice to just have your workout planned out for you. Takes the guesswork out of it. There is so much variety you don’t get bored which is probably a big part why some of us stop working out. I now just rotate all of my favorites workouts from the guide each week 😍🍑😘
P.S. Her guide is super affordable 💸 Being a mom of two 👩👦👦 on a budget I super appreciate that!"
-Siobhan (@organic_booty on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder
*6 month progress*

”This transformation is thanks to @elizabethzaks and her #ezbb guide to a new and improved peach! The workout routines are killer and great to implement into your leg days! This is only the beginning 2018 here I come!
-Kennedy (@One_of_a_kind_2711 on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder

”Been following your stuff for forever now and let me tell you, ezbb is freaking amazing. The progress I’ve had with it is phenomenal. I’ve been lifting for about four years now, and the thickest I’ve felt in these four years is right now. I’m not even trying to sugarcoat things but EZBB does work when you put in work. Ahhh, I’ve sprained my ankle now and I’ll be away from home due to college stuff for a whole month but I will continue with the guide after I’m back! I’ve attached a collage pic of myself, during and after doing the guide. Thank you for always being super positive and encouraging and sweet, Elizabeth! Love you so much! ❤️
-Aditi (@loladitiluitel on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder
*4 month progress*

”I found you and your page about 6 months ago through a friend, I followed and subscribed to your YouTube channel and started following you avidly. I was mid 6-week leg program but as soon as you put out the EZ BB guide I had to get my hands on it! Here I am now 3 weeks into the EZ Fat Burner guide, after finishing the full booty guide and I'm so happy with my body now. I'm not 100% where I want to be but you've taught me that it's okay! Being happy in my own skin is so key to reaching my goals. Thank you thank you thank you."
-Danie (@danieelise on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder + EZFatBurner
*6 week progress*

”I started your BB guide last year because I mainly enjoyed the kind of person you are and how you took your training. You are 100% real when it comes to social media as well. When I saw $20 for the guide... I was like whaaa-? That can’t be. DREAMS DO COME TRUE! I copped it, and I stuck through the 6 weeks of workouts. I instantly got small results, which was what I expected and wanted. Yayyy- it was very successful by the end. What I’m really excited about is the fact that I now still use your exercises and spice them up a bit to use during my workouts. Thanks to you, these are my results."
-Sky (@sky.lifts on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder

”First off, I just wanna say that I am a huge fan and have been for a while! You, your YouTube channel and Gymshark are the main reasons that pushed me to start my fitness journey. I've been working out for just under a year now, and I have been using your YouTube channel workouts/ guides to guide me through. I have lost roughly 40lbs since I started. I have all 3 of your fitness guides. I recently completed your 6 week booty builder guide & fat burner guide and let me just say, I AM THOROUGHLY IMPRESSED!! The results are crazy!! I modified it a little by adding in a booty builder workout every week, so instead of training for 5 days, I train for 6. I am moving onto the Gainz guide next and I cannot wait to see the results!!"
-Sabreina (@sabrinajessa on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder + EZFatBurner
”This is my very first transformation photo, it’s from May 2017- May 2018 (when I went on vacation), I completely cut out pop and most sugar, and moderately worked out 3-4 times a week using your YouTube workouts or instagram workouts.. when I came back from my vacation in May I sorta hit a plateau because I was a bit sick and couldn’t workout basically all of summer. After summer was over I bought your EZ bundle guide and the booty building guide and went to work ! I started at the beginning of September "
-Sabreina (@sabrinajessa on Instagram)
*one year progress*

”Thank you for this guide! This is a years transformation. I had been lifting about a year prior, but saw so much progress with this guide. Thank you! "
-Jordan (@jordancolonnaf on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder
*6 week progress*

”I love love love your guide and it is definitely worth the price, I have seen so much improvement!! Thank you for this!!"
-Katarina (@ksadlon1211 on Instagram)
Guide used: The EZBootyBuilder

"I just wanted to share my transformation photo with you from your guide + using your workouts on Instagram as reference. I have learned so much from using your workouts & you have been such an inspiration to me for so long. I remember following you on Instagram a long time ago and when asked who my biggest fitness inspiration was, I would always say you! Thank you for everything that you do, you truly have made such a big impact on my life that I literally can’t even express.
Here’s the photo, feel free to share! Just to show people what awesome results you can create and have inspired me to do."
-Tiffany (@tiffanyhenriquesfit on Instagram)

"hey love!! sooo you did this! I started your guide the second you released it. I knew you were tryna kill all of us but that’s ok.. I forgive you lol. Here’s a few little transformation pictaaaas! Not only was the guide tons of fun but I’ve leaned so much from it! I’m taking what I’ve learned and running with it (not literal running... cause I don’t do that..) but building onto what I’ve already caught onto. Thanks so much for a killer guide! I frigggin loveeee you! xoxo ♥️"
-Misty (@jensen.misty on Instagram)
Guide used: EZBootyBuilder